Print Software

Print management software offers A centralised tool to enable, monitor, and track printing activities within your organisation

Comprehensive administration and management

Print management

Print management is a critical business practice that entails the meticulous monitoring and tracking of printing activities within an organisation. It encompasses the comprehensive administration and management of printer and copier devices, including printers, copiers, multifunction devices/printers (MFDs/MFPs), and their seamless connectivity to print-enabled devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets, and more.

Printing is not limited to mere dots on a page; it involves various aspects that need meticulous attention from IT workers, including device management, print output, cost control, information security, and end-user printing behaviours. Furthermore, some print management software vendors also offer integrations for scanning, copying, faxing, and other document management functions to provide comprehensive solutions to organisations.

The Gist


What is print management software?

How does the software work?

Print management Vs Print enablement

Server Vs serverless print management


Centralised tool to monitor printing activities

What is print management software?

Many organisations operate large printing networks comprising numerous devices and hundreds to thousands of users, resulting in a substantial amount of hardware, print volume, and end-users that IT managers and system administrators (SysAdmins) need to oversee.

Print management software offers SysAdmins/IT managers a centralised tool to enable, monitor, and track printing activities within their organisation, delivering key benefits such as:

Empower sysadmins effectively manage printing activities

How does print management software work?

In the process of choosing a print management software vendor, it is essential to prioritise a solution that is compatible with your organisation’s print fleet brand and primary operating system (OS) platform, which may include Apple, Windows, Linux, Android, Chromebooks, Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and other platforms.

Print management products offer centralised administration capabilities to empower sysadmins/IT managers in effectively managing print fleets of various sizes, leveraging a robust and feature-rich print management solution. This includes the ability to remotely deploy printer drivers, manage print queues, and other features that facilitate simple and secure printing processes.

Tracking and monitoring vs Facilitating

What is the difference between print management and print enablement?

Print management encompasses the comprehensive tracking, monitoring, administration, and management of devices, print devices, users, networks, and IT infrastructure on the backend.

Print enablement involves facilitating printing on various devices, including phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops, by deploying drivers and queues.

There are standalone software solutions available for each of these functionalities, and some print management vendors offer both capabilities as part of their offerings.

What is the difference between server and serverless print management?

Server print management involves the utilisation of a print server, which is an additional piece of hardware within your IT infrastructure, to manage your printing processes.

On the other hand, serverless print management entails the management of printing in the cloud, either as a self-hosted (single-tenant) or fully-hosted (multi-tenant) SaaS (Software as a Service) solution.

In the past, a large number of printers necessitated the use of a print server to ensure their smooth operation. However, with the emergence of cloud computing, print management has evolved from being server-based to running in the cloud. The decision between employing a print server or opting for serverless print management depends on the specific print environment and requirements of your organisation.

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